#14: The Fall of Al Goldstein/Part 1

With the creation of Screw and Midnight Blue, Al Goldstein liberated sex from the shadows of shame and illegal obscenity. He had no idea what it would lead to today. But in his era, the sexual revolution was a cry for liberation and the laws against sex came tumbling down in his wake.
Episode Links
I Goldstein: My Screwed Life, by Al Goldstein and Josh Alan Friedman
When Sex Was Dirty, by Josh Alan Friedman
Screw magazine, #1,024, “The Weird Sex Life of R. Crumb”, illustrated by cartoonist R. Crumb
Screw magazine, #735, “Is God Gay?”, illustration of Al Goldstein as God by Curt Hoppe
“Al Goldstein donned a fake prison outfit before his sentencing yesterday.” New York Times, 2002
Goldstein with legendary Harlem congressman, Adam Clayton Powell, in late ‘60s.
Al Goldstein’s bar mitzvah, 1949. In three years, he would wear the same undersized suit for his first hooker.