#15: The Fall of Al Goldstein/Part 2

Screw magazine cover, photo of sailor kissing nurse


The Great Pornographer went from Upper East Side family man/pornographer-next-door to Bowery bum. The First Amendment hero became destitute. But he never lost his appetite for pussy and pastrami.

Episode Links

I Goldstein: My Screwed Life, by Al Goldstein and Josh Alan Friedman

When Sex Was Dirty, by Josh Alan Friedman

Tales of... podcast, Al Goldstein's home in Pompano Beach

Al’s Pompano Beach mansion, with the 11-foot finger that welcomed boats on the intracoastal waterway

Al Goldstein in his office, Screw magazine

Goldstein’s New York office

Al Goldstein and porn star Ron Jeremy with porn starlets

Beach Blanket Hippos: Goldstein and Ron Jeremy on Al’s beachfront

Tales of... podcast episode

Screw ’69, front row: Jim Buckley, Goldstein, and 18-year-old Steve Heller, who would next become The New York Times art director for 33 years

John Lennon and Yoko Ono reading Screw magazine

John and Yoko’s Screw interview, 1969

Screw magazine cover, photo of sailor kissing nurse

Terry Southern in Screw #801. Cover: Julius Zimmerman

Screw magazine illustrated art cover

Hitler’s Worst Nightmare: Screw’s interview with surviving Third Reich architect, Albert Speer, with Goldstein as “Diddler on the Roof .” Cover: Curt Hoppe.